If you don’t have a three-ring binder yet, go and get one as well has a three-ring hole punch. You can also just have these in a folder but I like to keep organized and the three-ring binder will grow pretty quickly. It also makes it easy as you look back on your progress
Print out the daily planner sheets before the week begins. I like to print them out on Friday and start thinking ahead to next week and fill out things as I have time. I will leave the planner in a place that I will pass by frequently over the weekend and stop and at least get my workouts section done for the week so I know what days I’ll be doing what workouts.
Print out the daily meal planner on Friday as well so you can plan your meals for the week and get the shopping done over the weekend. Planning your week ahead will allow you to stay on track and reduce stress. Also, on Saturday or Sunday, or whatever your weekend days are, I like to try to prep some of the food that I’ll be using for the week. Example: Grill/Bake/Cook any chicken or meats that I will use in some other meals like lunch salads.
Don’t have the planner yet?
Get it here with some other free tools!
First thing in the morning when you wake up:
Your Mindset is 50% of the weight loss equation so make sure you get to this before you day gets crazy. I wake up at 4:30 am most days because I usually have early clients. I get a cup of coffee and start the day with this positive activity.
Mindset Section 1: Three Things I am Grateful For
Write in 3 things you are grateful for every day. Do this right when you wake up and have some quite time to yourself. An attitude of gratitude is so important to helping you keep a positive attitude every day. Think of any three things you are grateful for. Some days this will be easy, some days maybe not. But don’t stress about it. Write in the 3 things that pop into your head. Here a quick example:
- My Dog
- My health
- My new bike
This doesn’t need to be well thought out as you can see. If something pops into your head write it down and be thankful for it. This seemingly small task can have a huge impact on your attitude and happiness over time.
Mindset Section 2: Three Goals For Today
Again, fill this out first thing. These are your top 3 priorities for you to feel as though you had a successful day. They could be something like this:
- Get work out done before work
- No bad food choices for the day, clean eating all day
- Focus on a positive outlook on life all day
See, pretty simple. Some of these may repeat for you every day almost but try to keep them unique so they don’t get lost on you. Focus on the behavior you want from yourself and/or the new habits you want to create and the old habits you want to break.
Mindset Section 3: Daily Affirmation
Write down a positive affirmation about yourself that starts with “I am…”. Example:
I am a strong and healthy woman chasing after her dreams.
When you use this sheet throughout the day look back at the affirmation and truly believe what you wrote down. Take a deep breath, exhale and read your affirmation to yourself.
Exercise Section: Today’s Activity
If you haven’t circled your workout yet circle the workout you plan to do for the day. You can also write in a better description if you choose. Rest days are only for when you are really tired. You should try to get at least 30 minutes a day of movement of some kind. Ideally this will build up to an hour every day.
If you hate running or the gym, that is okay. Think really hard about fun things that are active that you do like doing. Maybe riding a bike or hiking in the local park, paddle boarding or yoga. Even walking the dog. The idea is to create the habit of doing something active every day.
Think of something new you may want to try, Karate, Jujitsu, paddle boarding, swimming, yoga, zumba, dance or crossfit. Anything that piques your interest. Give it a try. If it is a group/social activity, even better. It is important to surround yourself with a community of like-minded people that are being active. Let your fear of being judged or not being good enough go. You are doing this for you and your long term health! Push through the fear.
Hydration Section:
Staying hydrated is very important and chances are you have been dehydrated much of your life. Drinking 64oz of water a day (at least) will keep you from feeling hungry at times and has been found to aid in weight loss. Check off each droplet when you drink 8oz of water. I have a 32 oz nalgene bottle that I keep with me and when I finish it off I check off 4 droplets.
Notes/Observations/Feelings Section:
At the end of the day, ideally right before bed, write down how today was. Anything you noticed like how you felt, how proud you are for getting everything done today. What worked, what didn’t. Tips for another day. How to improve something or what not to do. Think of it as a little mini journal and try to keep it positive. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to write down, “I’m proud of myself!”. You are going to have a lot of those days now. Keep it short, simple and sweet!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to carry around this binder all day?
Maybe not the entire binder but at least have the sheet with you in an easy to access spot. Having it with you is a reminder throughout the day of your weight loss goal, you are building a new daily habit structure and it takes some time, at the very least 66 days and up to an entire year (365 days). All the change is happening in your subconscious mind that that part of the mind is hard to change. So make it a habit of carrying the planner with you and working on it throughout the day.
Why the heck am I doing all of this?
To Create daily momentum and healthy habits. As you check off your goals, and your water droplets and complete your workouts you are winning. Each little accomplishment is a win! Each little positive choice reinforces that you can do this. You are doing this. And you are going to reach your goal!
What happens if I have bad day?
First of all, we all have a day that seems like we cannot recover from. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up. DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP! Just know that tomorrow is a new day, you are going to wake up and take charge of tomorrow like a boss. You can do this. I believe in you! Let it go and move on.
Jumpstart Your Fitness With These Free Tools
- FREE Weekly Meal Planner with grocery list
- FREE Daily Planner with goals, to dos and a daily gratitude journal
- FREE 20 minute no equipment workout that you can do anywhere!
- BONUS: Marietta’s favorite ab workout printout