The Fitbit connection to the Super Chica Fitness Trainerize requires you to have a Fitbit account. You must have this created and setup already. The authentication uses the login credentials of your Fitbit account to authorize the connection to Super Chica Fitness /Trainerize from your Fitbit account. 

Only clients can connect their Fitbit to Trainerize. Trainers cannot connect a Fitbit to their account.

The Fitbit integration with a wearable allows the syncing of Resting Heart Rate – from heart rate enabled Fitbit trackers, and Weight and Body Fat % from the Fitbit Aria Scale.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Step 1. 

Login to your Super Chica App account on your mobile app and select the More section at the bottom right of the screen, then select Connect Apps and Devices.  


Step 2. 

Select FitBit.


Step 3. 

You are now able to begin the connection to Fitbit by tapping on Connect

(The Buy Devices button will take you to be able to purchase a Fitbit online if you don’t have one already.)


Step 4. 

Login with an Email and a Password


Step 5.

Select the information you would like Trainerize to access and click Allow.


Your Fitbit should now be connected and authenticated!


 You can confirm your connection by referring back to the FitBit option under Connect Apps and Devices.


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