Hey Friend,
Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week.
Working full time as a trainer while trying to keep my blog fresh has been a bit of a challenge so I couldn’t get the September shape up done in time but I have a lot of good workouts, recipes and exclusive deals planned for this month. So keep reading the Friday updates because I plan to have a lot to give you in September and October. October is also a great time to get your workouts back on track after the busyness of getting the kiddos back to school. I also get a lot of clients that want to start their workouts now before the holiday party season. Can you believe it that we’re starting to talk about the holidays already! Yikes!!!!
Coming This Fall
1. October Shape Up:
This will be a 30 day intermediate level group challenge through the app that is going to be super fun!!! This will be an amazing group of women completing the challenge together, holding each other accountable and motivating each other along the way. I’m so excited!!!
The 2 Week Jumpstart would be a good place to get warmed up for the challenge. #YOUVEGOTTHIS!!!
2. A free weight loss course
The course will be more in-depth than simple print outs you may have gotten. The course will show you step by step how to start your weight loss journey and will be completely free. My goal is to help 12,000 women in the next 12 months to lose at least 5 lbs and/or start a consistent workout routine. I think I’ll have this done in September be on the lookout for more on the course.
On The Blog
Sharing some of my faves from the week from around the blog.
1. 6 Easy Ways to Start an Active Lifestyle
A quick article on how to create a new healthy lifestyle: “Every year millions of people realize they’ve let themselves go and need to get active. But it’s not just about boring gym routines and lonely runs in the dark. To truly get in shape and maybe lose some weight you have to create a new lifestyle for yourself.”
Read More On SuperChicaFitness.com
2. Review of Jillian Michaels App
I love Jillian Michaels so I just had to try out her new app. I was shocked at how affordable it was and of course it works flawlessly. Check out the quick review and let me know what you think.
Read More On SuperChicaFitness.com
Recipe of the week:
Low-Carb Egg Muffins

Doesn’t this look yummy! Click here to see the easy recipe and try it this weekend.
See Recipe on SuperChicaFitness.com
Special discounts and promos for Super Chica Friends:

Jillian Michaels is giving my readers a free 7 day trial of her app so give it a try if you don’t want to try my jump start program:
New Partner with Super Chica Fitness, Yay: Lole Activewear

Our approach to activewear is modern, mindful and meaningful, offering feminine and fashion-forward designs that move with you when you’re on the go. Every garment is versatile and high-performance, designed with a genuine concern for people, products and positive impact.
Check out Lole’s super-cute leggings and be sure to Sign up for Lolë’s Newsletter and Receive 15% OFF Your First Order!
Follow Me On Social:
I’m always activly looking for great women’s health and fitness resources from around the web and posting it to my social channels so be sure to follow me on your favorite social media outlet:
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Thank You!
Thank you so much for being a part of Super Chica Fitness. My biggest hope is that I can help you along your fitness journey and whatever it is you want to accomplish, I want to help and I am glad you are here.
Email me if you have any questions! Have a great weekend.
Happy Happy Friday!
PS. You can do anything you set your mind to! #nevergiveup #anythingispossible
Affiliate Disclosure: Some links in this email are affiliate links. If you click on them and purchase something I will get a small commission at no cost to you. These links help support the blog and I really do appreciate your support!